SB&C has been serving Government Agencies for decades. Being a native Washington company, established in 1943, we have local knowledge, stability and experience second to none. Our team of experts are dedicated to increasing revenue for our City, County and State agencies.

Why Choose
Payments Plans that Work
Collaborative recovery strategies; we build payment plans based on an individual’s income to produce a cooperative solution.
Identifying Resources
Advanced analytics to assist with identifying all payors, including individuals, estates and wage earner plans.
Right Party Contact
Account scrubbing at data entry for correct responsible party information.
Financial Rebound
We are here for the long haul which means we continue to spot check assets and look for indicators of financial rebound such as employment, purchased property, etc…
Communication vs Harassment
While carrying out the collection process, we will not harass however we will communicate, recognizing the importance of treating the people we encounter with dignity, fairness and respect.